Dr PS Bhandari is one of the most experienced Surgeons in the management of adult as well as birth related brachial plexus injuries. He has been the Head of Reconstructive microsurgery at Army Hospital (R&R) New Delhi and AFMC Pune. He has given numerous invited presentations nationally and internationally. His new approaches and techniques have been published in the Journal of Hand Surgery (American Vol) and Journal of Neurosurgery Spine (Am) and being practiced across the globe. He has been the past President of Indian Society of Peripheral Nerve Surgery (ISPNS, 2013- 2014) and a past Executive member of Indian Society for Surgery of Hand (2010-2012). Presently he is the President of Brachial plexus surgery group of India. He is Editor in chief of Journal of Peripheral Nerve Surgery. He is also in the governing council of Association of Plastic Surgeons of India (2013 – ). He is Deputy editor of Indian Journal of Plastic Surgery (2015 – ) and a editorial board member of Indian Journal of Neurotrauma (2012 – ).

Dr PS Bhandari is one of the most experienced Surgeons in the management of adult as well as birth related brachial plexus injuries. He has been the Head of Reconstructive microsurgery at Army Hospital (R&R) New Delhi and AFMC Pune. He has given numerous invited presentations nationally and internationally. His new approaches and techniques have been published in the Journal of Hand Surgery (American Vol) and Journal of Neurosurgery Spine (Am) and being practiced across the globe.

Academic Achievments

He has been the past President of Indian Society of Peripheral Nerve Surgery (ISPNS, 2013- 2014) and a past Executive member of Indian Society for Surgery of Hand (2010-2012). Presently he is the President of Brachial plexus surgery group of India. He is Editor in chief of Journal of Peripheral Nerve Surgery. He is also in the governing council of Association of Plastic Surgeons of India (2013 – ). He is Deputy editor of Indian Journal of Plastic Surgery (2015 – ) and a editorial board member of Indian Journal of Neurotrauma (2012 – ).